What’s the subject line’s best friend?

Pre-headers – The Subject Lines Best Friend

When you create an email, you have three tools you can use to encourage people to open your email.

  1. Sender/From Name
  2. Subject Line
  3. Pre-header text (or preview text)

Space is limited in the inbox, so catching the recipient’s eye and encouraging them to open as soon as they see it is critical to getting people to engage with your email. Preview text allows elaboration on the message you’re delivering and can be critical to getting those clicks!

What are some preheader best practices?

1. Keep it short & sweet – 30-80 characters is the amount of text you should look for in preheader text. Though shorter does tend to stand out in the inbox, you risk not adding enough which will then pull in the first lines in the email. Testing to your own inbox is always a good idea!

2. Don’t ignore it! – If you don’t add your own preheader text, the email you send is going to automatically pull the first lines of text from your email into the preheader. You’ve lost control of the content and missed out on an opportunity to grab people’s attention with a well-crafted copy magnet.

3. Don’t repeat yourself – your preview text should NOT be a repeat of your subject line. It’s meant to add value to it.

4. Be a tease – you don’t want to give away TOO much in the subject line or preheader text. Don’t let them give a full summary. The goal is to get people excited to click on your email and read it.

So what do I put in the preheader?

The preheader text is a great place to…

1.Create urgency
a. Limited stock available. Get it while you can!
b. Last chance to shop our clearance items

2.Add an incentive
a. Plus FREE shipping on orders $25+
b. Order today and get an extra 10% off your entire order

3.Hype up a product or event
a. Limited stock available. Get it while you can!
b. This shindig is so exclusive, we’re only telling 100 people about it

4.Build curiosity
a. You should really open this email
b. There’s something special in here for you

Like most copywriting, have fun with it, make it cohesive with the rest of your content, A/B test constantly, and don’t be afraid to add some personality to it!

Tune in tomorrow as Muse’s Jackie Babenroth shares the secret of Driving Connection in the Inbox.

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